Please arrive 30 minutes early to the first-time check-in station and provide information about your family. For a smoother experience, you can fill out the New Family Pre-Registration Form in advance. Please notify us of any allergies or special needs during registration. Check out times and locations to join us for a Sunday service.
Nursery (Newborn-2yrs)
Preschool (3-4yrs)
Our rooms are designed with your child in mind. From age-appropriate toys and special service elements just for them, our team is ready to care for and have fun with your little one during service. In preschool, children start to engage more with their church experience. We help them interact with their friends, form relationships with their teachers, and build their faith in God. Each week they will engage with stories, video lessons, small groups, and worship songs that give them Biblical truths.

Your child will experience personal care from our well-staffed team. We keep our nursery rooms ready for your little ones with age-appropriate toys that are thoroughly cleaned between services.
We know babies have specific needs and schedules, so when you bring your child to the classroom, we have an easy-to-use form that you can fill out to let our team know the feeding, sleeping, and changing needs your child has. We also take time to love and pray for your child each week.
Follow Cross Kids on our platforms to stay up-to-date. Meet the Team to learn more about the CK Leader at your campus. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at crosskids@crosschurchonline.com
We'd love to hear from you!

John Achord
Central Cross Kids Director

Cross Kids (5-12yrs)
Most of their time is spent in their Small Group to give them the benefit of a consistent Group Leader and interaction with kids their age. Together, they learn about the Bible and how to have a relationship with God, memorize Scripture, and have fun developing friendships with each other.
Our reliable system provides tags with matching alphanumeric codes for parents and children. Children are ONLY released to adults with tags that have matching numbers. Children’s tags also serve as their name tag and includes information about allergies or special needs.
Secure Check-in

Background Checks
All of our staff and volunteer serving team members who work directly with children are screened through an application process and comprehensive background check.
Children who have shown signs of fever, vomiting or other contagious illness should be symptom and fever-free for 24 hours before coming to Cross Kids.

What Your Kids are Learning
Your children will be taught Biblical truths and practical lessons through a learning focus for their grade level and a collection of series topics throughout the year.
The learning focus for their grade level will be taught by their Small Group leader, and their group will work together on learning objectives like memorizing Scripture and understanding Biblical principles. The series topic will be presented through a video Bible lesson followed by age-specific guided discussion with their Small Group. Download the Learning Guide PDF to learn more.